"Keep up the great job. We always look forward to the concerts." M & D Miller 2024
​"We enjoy the Wind Ensemble concerts very much…” M & J Cartledge
​​… how tremendously we enjoyed the Memorial concert … it was wonderful! Please extend our thanks and appreciation to all involved.
Suzie and Al Monaghan 2024
Just a note to congratulate your group on a great Memorial Day Concert. The quality of the music was excellent. If I had my eyes closed (which I didn’t) I would think I was in a concert hall in NYC. Thanks to all the dedicated musicians who made the concert a memorable one.
John and Sue Babbitt 2024
​What an amazing concert last night. Every piece was super. Can you tell we enjoyed it immensely! All exclamation points!
Sue & John 10/14 /2023 Concert
"Thank you to HAWE for bringing such enjoyment to our area through your efforts and musical talents." - Ken & Susie Thompson
"Thanks for all the wonderful music!" - Cheryl Slatt
"We are so fortunate to have the HAWE here. Thank you all!!"
- George & Genny Appleton
"I always enjoy the concerts - good for you and great music." - Isabel Nobilski
"Thanks so much for your time, energy, and ingenuity to bring this music to all of us!
We so enjoy the music!" -Bob & Barb Baker
"First Heritage Federal Credit Union is pleased to support your program."
"The best to you this season." The Ryan Agencies
"I enjoy the concerts so much!! "C. Kemp
"Thanks for the wonderful music!" Cheryl
"Thank you for doing this … enjoyed by all". Barb
"Thank you for all you do to encourage music in our area." Amanda & Nelson